6th Conference of the European Industrial Hemp Association 5/27-28

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
We would like to invite you to the 6th Conference of the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA).

The biggest event on industrial hemp in 2009 - world wide! 200 participants from 50 countries expected.

May 27th-28th, 2009, Wesseling near Cologne / Germany: www. eiha. org/conf6th

The EIHA Conference established itself as the biggest expert meeting on industrial hemp in Europe and also world-wide. Experts from all over the world will meet each other in order to exchange information about the latest developments concerning hemp and other natural fibres. Topics are applications of fibres like composites, reinforced plastics, insulation materials, textiles. Other topics are applications of hemp shives (bedding, construction, particle boards) and hemp seeds/oil for human nutrition and body care.

Participants are experts from agriculture, industry and research and development. Industry means from SME to global players, e. g. machine producers, processors as well as plastic, construction and automotive industry. The Conference will take place in context of the International Year of Natural Fibres 2009 ( <International Year of Natural Fibres 2009 MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "www. naturalfibres2009. org" claiming to be www. naturalfibres2009. org).

The Conference language will be English.

Sessions of the Conference:

1st day - May, 27th

. Introductional Session

. Country Reports

. Agriculture: Cultivation, Harvesting, Hemp Straw and Fibre Processing

2nd day - May, 28th

. Innovative Processing and Applications

. Hemp for Food

. Hemp for Energy

For detailed information, please have a look at our Conferenceflyer.

Workshops plenary & exhibition: In addition to the Plenary meeting we offer this year several workshops whose participants number are limited to approx.
20 persons. Please make your registration for one or serveral workshops by writing an email to Mr. Dominik Vogt: dominik.vogt@nova-institut.de <mailto: dominik.vogt@nova-institut.de? subject=EIHA%206 . We suggest the following workshop topics, but we are open for other proposals:

. Hemp seeds/oil as food

. Hemp fibre for composite material (press moulding/injection moulding)

. Cultivation & Harvesting

. Hemp shives - lime for construction

You would like to present your innovative industrial hemp products? Book a table and a bulletin board for only 150 EUR (plus 19% VAT) now: Mr. Dominik Vogt, Phone +49 (0)2233-4814-49, email: dominik.vogt@nova-institut.de <mailto: dominik.vogt@nova-institut.de? subject=EIHA%206

Further information: The participant fee is 330 EUR plus 19% VAT and for EIHA members we have a special offer: The participant fee for EIHA members will be 165 EUR (including lunches, snacks and the dinner buffet)! For further information and registration just have a look at: www. eiha. org/conf6th

We are most grateful for the support of our sponsor Hempro International
(www. hempro. com) and our partner of the Conference Giesel Verlag GmbH
(www. giesel. de/composite/composite. php), the IYNF 2009
(www. naturalfibres2009. org) and the News Portal about Renewable Resources
(www. renewable-resources. de)

Looking forward to seeing you in Wesseling!

Best regards,

Michael Carus and Dominik Vogt nova-Institut GmbH

Organiser: nova-Institut GmbH . Chemiepark Knapsack - Industriestrasse - 50354 Huerth . Germany . Tel. +49(0)2233-48-14 40 - Fax +49(0)2233-48-14 50 Internet: www. nova-institut. de/nr . Managing Directors authorized to represent: Michael Carus und Dirk Schubert . Court of Registration: Local Court of Cologne - Registration No.: HRB Nr. 44144 . VAT-ID: DE
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