A few questions


New Member
Hello, I am curious does anyone know if it is safe to buy seeds online? Also what is the schedule you go by when you first start growing like how much light how much dark do you go by. When people say nutes what do they mean by that and what do you do.
Thanks for the fast reply, also i am wondering what kind of light should i use when i first start out? I'm kind of shady about buying online because then they will have all my info including address and all. I'm just wondering has anyone ordered seeds online and had them shipped to the same address where they grew it at?
I'd say ship the seeds to a different address than where your growing. Better to be safe than sorry. Plants use nutrients to grow. Its like there food.
Also im curious what kind of light should I use when I first start growing, im probably just going to go to home depot and get all my supplies, any suggestions on what kind of soil? What nutrients do you add to the soil, i hear miracle grow isn't good to use.
also im curious what size pot should i start the seeds out in i hear most people use a 2.5 gallon bucket should i start them off in this size or put then them in a smaller pot and transfer them later.
well if your goin to home depot, pick up daylight cfl's for veg and marathon's for flowering they also have electric socket->light socket peices in the light fixture section run you about 3-4 bucks each, timer, extension cords/power bars, use anything organic for soil, or anything WITHOUT time release nutes and get a BIG bag. as for nutes you wont need any till after day 20, npk ratio of 10-15-10 for flowering, and 5-1-1 for veg. You will need smaller pots then transplant to the larger pots.
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