A new method of getting rid of spider mites?


Well-Known Member
Note: I have not personally attempted this.

So I have a good friend who has his license to grow in Canada whom had mentioned a way to potentially deal with spider mites.

I would like to see if this is a valid attempt, or if it is just an old wives tale.

Basic concept:

Use a low pH of 3 or so, spray the heck out o the plant getting everywhere. *He claims it will kill the pests, as it is acidic; there is no build up of resistance to this.

After you spray with pH 3, you then spray with a pH higher. (Cant remember if it was 9 or 11). The idea behind this is to neutralize the pH 3 as to not damage the plant.

In your opinions, would this work?

My concerns would be:
A) If you miss the plant where priorly sprays, how much damage would it do?
B) What sort of residue would be left and how harmful would that be if smoked?

I look forward to your replies!:)
IDK, but the little sh!ts don't seem to be able to swim, lol. You can do a lot by just hosing a plant down in the shower or with your kitchen sink's sprayer attachment. In fact, that should probably be done first whenever there's an infestation, to lower the number of adults actually on the plant. Go ahead and do the usual, of course, because it's likely that you'll miss a few (and missing one is... well, it's kind of like having one flea today - you'll have hundreds in a week :rolleyes: ), plus this doesn't do anything about all the eggs in the soil. But every one you wash down your drain is one less potential insecticide-resistant bug to worry about.
I like that they cant swim... Can anyone genetically modify them to turn into zombies and each others brains? ;)

LOL. Well, not exactly that, but there are predators available that will eat them. Probably not the cheapest solution in the world, but it doesn't involve spraying insecticides on one's plants.

I'm interested in your original idea, and am hoping to see lots of discussion about it in this thread.
My concerns would be:
A) If you miss the plant where priorly sprays, how much damage would it do?
B) What sort of residue would be left and how harmful would that be if smoked?
Hey GR, great question and one worth watching for opinions, as I'm sure there will be many. Here's mine.

Unless there is some sort of statistical history on the method I don't think anyone can predict the amount of damage, if any. Trial and error, and lots of documentation for future attempts when and if they fail would be the way to start.

Residue would not be an issue IMHO, because there are lots of organic ways to raise and lower your pH. Lemon juice, vinegar, citric acid all lower your pH
Potassium carbonate or lime will increase your pH, albeit lime is slow acting and not really soluble. Baking soda, is another way I have heard used to raise pH but I was always worried about the sodium in it.

Again, great question.
Oh I know ladybug larva are the ultimate mite resolver!Most organic and natural! :) I like the idea of Zombie Mites! :D

I look forward to an answer as well MrSauga. I know the eating of the natural ways to raise/lower pH wont be an issue. Smoking I would be more leery I know if I have the issue in the future I will give it a shot. Is there anyone going through this now want to give it a shot for us?
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