a question.


New Member
well i was told that if you smoke a cigarrette after you smoke some bud, it makes you more high. is that true?

and some of my stoner buddies have said its very true.

is it?
Re: a question..

Dunno, I've been smoking cigs before smoking MJ. I'm sure if you don't usually smoke cigs and you smoke one after smoking a joint it will make you a little higher. Any nonsmoker who smokes a cig usually gets light headed. Add that to being high and yeah, I guess you would consider yourself higher:hmmmm:

Do yourself a favor and don't try it. It's not worth the risk of becoming a smoker just to get a little more light headed after smoking MJ. Smoking cigs really sucks. It's a nasty habit which I hope to break soon enough.
Re: a question..

all my friends who smoke cigs say that is true. but its not true for me, so i guess it's different for everybody. a lot of people told me thats how they got addicted to cigs. cigs are terrible.
Re: a question..

i was always told this. i'm a smoker. i don't believe its true. even if you don't smoke a cig, don't you feel a bit higher after a couple of minutes than you do right off?
Re: a question..

well.. i did start trying it and ive only smoked 4 times after ive smoked some bud. and i can glady say im not addicting and i kinda like the taste but then again its really nasty and i was wondering if i was smoking for nothing. so it depends on the person? well i will finish the pack and then definatley stop.
Re: a question..

dont smoke cigs... i was a smoker for a long time and i decided to quit...

MJ is SOOOOOO much better w/o tobacco.... either before or after or during smokin..... tobacco is wacko! lol
Re: a question..

that is something i have always heard too. i smoke cigs, and while i kno its bad for you, i just cant quit. ive tried, not easy. but its like i HAVE to have a cig after i smoke weed, and yes, i find that it does get you slightly higher.
Re: a question..

IF you don't smoke regularly,
the nicotine rush usually hits as the high starts (if right after a joint/blunt)
i would say it's NOT getting "higher"
Re: a question..

It doesn't make you feel any higher, its just another special euphoria basicly. Everything seems to be so much better when you smoke MJ, its nothing more than that.
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