Alle-Mein 1st Grow Journal

Hey guys... sorry about the very late update

I harvested yesterday... more pics of that later...

This was how it looked 5 days before harvesting, I tried to take a close up

I just went back and looked through the posts and realized you only flowered for 1 month. That is at best half the time you should have given her. I hope she is worth smoking, the potency at this stage is pretty shitty. Next time I'd suggest you give her a bit more time.
...aww man, is that only for this type of plant?

I went by what a friend suggested, also 70% of my white hairs turned redish... well this is my first grow, so eh... next time ;)

This was the plant before i chopped it up... 3 feet tall =) in a tight space...

How it looks now, gonna let it regrow... also you can see the clone in the cup...

Strung it across my room...

Now it stays in that corner, drying...

next step is to cure it...

I also bought a humidor where to put my stash in afterwords

looks good. but yeah if i were u next time flower for a lil longer the last few weeks it puts most of its weight and potecy on it . and when u say u are going to let it regrow and u revegin it? if so i would trim it a lil smaller becasue once u veg and then flower again ull have no room and what u doing wiht the clone in there
are there any threads on Reveging? cuz i was always curious about how that works. . . cuz dosent the plant grow stronger the 2nd time around?
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