

New Member
You have to admit, that for a long time, Altoids have been a good friend of the stoner.

Altoids mints come in those nice little tin cases, that also cover the smell of your marijuana with a nice minty smell.

In mine at all times, I have:

At least 20 rolling papers
3 grams of weed (Anymore and I could be charged)
and a small book of roach paper.

So if anyone needs a good way to stash their shit, I recommend going to your
local drug store and buying these awesome mints.
i used the shit outta my altoids tin in high school!!!! i love those things! perfect for ur little pipe and a couple of buds. maybe the drug czars will go after altoids now for "supporting terrorism" hahahahhaha HOORAH FOR ALTOIDS!!!
Hahah yea i keep bud in mines lmao
sometimes if i dont have enough time to finish a blunt/joint i just toss it in there so my house doesnt stink ( I live with parents )
altoids=good; altoids gum=ugh! but smaller case can come in handy.
in fact, while looking for someting in the freezer part I found a tin yesterday but have not looked inside to see what is wrapped up in it.
Yeah~~those Altoid boxs make great
stash containers~~I used to put my
little pipe~~& sum weed in them~~
Since then~~my wife has found me
kewl little wooden boxes~~etc~~
to store smoke in~~
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