Another Newbie


New Member
Just a quick Hi and thanks for putting in all the hard work involved in running such an amazing site. I've seen first hand from my son's work, how much is really involved and so I am grateful there are people passionate enough to do it right like this. Most especially I appreciate the maturity with which the site is presented. While I like to have as much fun with it as the next person (making jokes and occasionally acting a bit goofy), the use of marijuana for medical purposes is a very serious matter to me. The only way we can hope for progress with the government and the uneducated population, is to present the argument in the most mature, articulate, and scientific way possible. So again thanks for the amazing effort that I know has gone into this site and all else your organization is doing to further the cause. I hope to find ways to help as much as I can in my limited way and this looks like the place to find the info. for that. Smoke smart and stay safe.
Great to have you here asila20. :bravo:
Thanks for the great words about 420, We do have a very Special Community here.
A huge :welcome: to you.
If you may need any help getting around or understanding any features, Please ask.
420 is made up of wonderful, Helpful members all helping to Spread Cannabis Awareness.

Please stop by and visit this Great Grow Journal By 'Woodsman' Click this,
Woodsman's Northern Light #5 Grow
He is in your home State also. Great Guy, Great Reading.
Infact he is up for Member of the Month. Say Hello if you like?

He is one of Many fantastic Growers here that share all they know and Learn.
Continue to :surf: the forums and Get to know us all, Soon Friendships will form.
Again, Thanks for joining the fight to Legalize this incredible Plant.
See you around in the forums. :thumb:
Thanks for the warm welcome, I have only recently applied for my card and should receive it any day. My husband and I are very interested in starting our own crop and playing with the different strains. I have chronic fatigue in addition to the severe chronic pain, so I have to be careful what I smoke or it will literally knock me out. On the good side of that, unlike all other meds I have tried, if it isn't the right kind for me, I sleep it off with no real harm done. However, with all other meds. I have serious side effects so bad that I am unable to take the medication anyway. On top of that these side effects can linger for months and they always nullify any progress I had made before. Marijuana has been a life savor for me. Soon as we prepare a proper place to grow we'll be off like a herd of turtles. My husband will probably be interested in keeping a grow journal so you may hear from us soon. I hope so anyway. Thanks again for the awesome site.
Hi asila20, :welcome: sister to the 420Magazine forums.
Thanks for the nice introduction.
Spreading cannabis/hemp awareness is what 420Mag is about.
I take enough meds that every time I have refils, the pharmacist has to warn me about contradictions.
I happy you are getting a med card, safety first.
Lotsa information he to help you grow your own, the only way to go.
Oh, I have a cousin in Idaho, 30 miles south of Canada.
I'm getting carried away, I'll see you in the forums.
Hi 420 and its viewers,I'm new here and just having a browse as they say,great site tho,i can see why everyone's so chuffed with it,it's the least stuffy.When i say stuffy i mean no-ones giving the big one just because they've got a few years of growing under their belt,not that i've seen,nor am i likely too from what i can see.Now showing off ya Girl's-That's a different story,i love all the passion and its only right to feel proud.Who doesn't feel like a proud parent when they look at their Babe's. . . . .Happy growing from Cheezychong
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