Anything wrong with this plant?


420 Member
I have two plants, both 11 weeks old. They were both growing the same up untill
About two weeks ago when one really slowed down and the other just kept growing.. i was wondering if anyone knew why? Is it just a runt?
U can see the leaf issues, right?

Hard to say why, but it's in the ground, you haven't given us much info, well none, about the soil, nutes, water pH, etc etc etc

So I'm thinking Alien spawn impregnated the she is trying to join the mother ship


Root and soil issues
tough to say for sure without knowing history...did you do one thing different one day to skinny minnie and forget about the possible blunder? like a classic stoner move; did you mix up some nutrients and mix them too strong one day and not notice or think...ahhhh, it'll be alright...

looks like nitro deficiency, maybe different soil by the skinny minnie(unlikely), genetics? heat?
They are growing in mainly sheep manure, mixed with a bit of miracle gardening soil. I barely feed them with miracle grow once a month maybe. Same light/heat, Ph has been high after rain so ive brought it back down twice but its been pretty consistent.

I cut down my males a little over a week ago. I left the the root balls in because i didnt know if the roots would be tangled and didnt want to disturb the roots to the females.
Its my first time, legal grow in Ontario. So im just trying to learn as much as i can! Appreciate all the help!
The only advice I can really give is to yes definitely not use Miracle Grow there are way better Alternatives out there and they are not expensive at all. Also, it's kind of hard to tell to me it looks like some kind of nutrient deficiency or some issue with your watering, but if you know for a fact that you've been doing the same exact things to both plants, then it is a possibility that it is just not as strong as the other plant. I try to see it as, the seeds are babies just the same as humans give babies, some brothers and sisters look different one brother could be a lot stronger than the other, etc. I would really think hard about what you've been doing recently oh, I personally have been keeping somewhat of a journal along the way which is something I would suggest that way if something does happen down the road. It is a learning process for everyone, but you do have one very healthy girl there so you'll be rewarded for your time and effort and who knows, maybe she'll turn around.
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