Besides mason jars what type of jar or containers can be used to cure?

About 1.25oz maybe a little more depending on how tight and dense the buds are.

thanks budz i thought it would hold less so i might just buy a few quart sized jars.

Anyone else who know of anything else that can be used other than mason jars please share so other who read this wont have to ask the samething :peace:
Not everyone agrees that plastic will impart a flavor to weed, but almost everyone prefers to use glass.

You can get mason jars at WalMart. Just look in the canning area, usually the last row from the front in kitchen stuff. Biggest they're likely to have is quarts, if you want bigger try to find some pickling jars. Try online.
Not everyone agrees that plastic will impart a flavor to weed, but almost everyone prefers to use glass.

You can get mason jars at WalMart. Just look in the canning area, usually the last row from the front in kitchen stuff. Biggest they're likely to have is quarts, if you want bigger try to find some pickling jars. Try online.

thanks man ill check it out
hey everyone i all new to this do you mind me asking. how would u go about curing in glass jars? i know how to cure with cardboard boxes and venting slowly. what do u do if i were to try next time with glass jars? is it any better?
hey everyone i all new to this do you mind me asking. how would u go about curing in glass jars? i know how to cure with cardboard boxes and venting slowly. what do u do if i were to try next time with glass jars? is it any better?

I go from hanging buds to the 1 gallon jars when the buds are slightly spongy and stems still bend a bit. Then I basically slow down the drying process by going sealed / unsealed for like 6 - 8 hour cycles. I'll roll the jars on their side periodically to cause the buds to compact a bit under the weight of the other buds. The longer you stretch out the last 15-20% of the drying process the more time you are giving the chlorophyll time to breakdown in the presence of a little moisture and convert to sugars which makes for ideal smoke. Dont want to take it too slow or start when too moist or mold cold be a problem. Experiment with a small batch rather than your whole crop until you get a good feel for it. You'll notice the aroma of the buds get better and better everytime you crack the jars open. If you smell ammonia then they are rotting and were too moist to start with and havent been able to breathe properly. leave them out longer or go with longer unsealed times.
Excellent containers are the plastic containers that coffee comes in from the store. Lid snaps on air tight its light proof and it won't shatter if dropped. They come in several sizes and I have never had any difference in flavor or smell from glass canning jars. Plus the wide mouth top can accommodate the 7 & 8g buds of MASTER KUSH that cure to perfection in these containers.
Where is this information found??? What was the formulation of the plastic that was tested, what bud was used. How long was it stored in this container, how was it prepared for the jar. What were the parameters for the test or hopefully tests. Who funded the study, why?? There are so many studies saying this is bad and that is dangerous the all of a sudden a new study declares it is going to extent your life or stop cancer. I've only been smoking for about 40 yrs 10 of which is what I've grown and I'll stack my shit up against any, straight up, and out the glass or PLASTIC coffee can. I like to depend on my own research cause I know my agenda...
Where is this information found??? What was the formulation of the plastic that was tested, what bud was used. How long was it stored in this container, how was it prepared for the jar. What were the parameters for the test or hopefully tests. Who funded the study, why?? There are so many studies saying this is bad and that is dangerous the all of a sudden a new study declares it is going to extent your life or stop cancer. I've only been smoking for about 40 yrs 10 of which is what I've grown and I'll stack my shit up against any, straight up, and out the glass or PLASTIC coffee can. I like to depend on my own research cause I know my agenda...

I paraphrased some info found on this site I'll have to find the link again its been a while.. Im not sure if the info is based on any real studies and didnt mean to offend. It just makes sense to me that since the THC is oil soluble and plastic is a byproduct of oil that the argument in some sense holds water that the plastic and the resin glands may bind together more so than it would with glass. If your method works man then by all means continue doing what you are doing.
No offence taken my skin is thin when it comes to studies that contradict what is self proven to me. Thanks for the OK to keep on keepen on. I think the original question was what OTHER than glass could be used, is there a slight smell of piety in the air??? This reminds me of some coffee house debate I seen and joined in on. PEASE and LOVE To share is to care...
I go from hanging buds to the 1 gallon jars when the buds are slightly spongy and stems still bend a bit. Then I basically slow down the drying process by going sealed / unsealed for like 6 - 8 hour cycles. I'll roll the jars on their side periodically to cause the buds to compact a bit under the weight of the other buds. The longer you stretch out the last 15-20% of the drying process the more time you are giving the chlorophyll time to breakdown in the presence of a little moisture and convert to sugars which makes for ideal smoke. Dont want to take it too slow or start when too moist or mold cold be a problem. Experiment with a small batch rather than your whole crop until you get a good feel for it. You'll notice the aroma of the buds get better and better everytime you crack the jars open. If you smell ammonia then they are rotting and were too moist to start with and havent been able to breathe properly. leave them out longer or go with longer unsealed times.

thank you. One of my plants i just started to flush it, i will try a portion of you have to rotate the buds from bottem to top? or does rolling the jars do that for you?
stoneware jars work very well... i have some stainless steel and glass ones that may be just a tad bit better than mason jars
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