Best Growing Guide


New Member
Im intrested in growing, can anyone lead me to the best indoor growing guide for a newbie. Thanks. Smokin
I started lookin around OverGrow and it feels a little confusing. Im lookin for something to tell me what do to first, then the next thing.. ect. Something simple. If anyone can just take some time to explain it to me in emails or something, that would be nice. Like basiic steps. Go buy that first, then this, then that, then this..ect. Thanks.
Bubble*The*Kush said:
Im intrested in growing, can anyone lead me to the best indoor growing guide for a newbie. Thanks. Smokin

there is a growing guide on this site.
Marijuana Growers Guide for High Yield by Ed Rosenthal.

I have it and find it to be the best one out there so far, they sell it at just about any big bookstore.
It can be grown in a small plastic cup too, right? It doesnt have to be like in a huge pot..
I personally think the 'Indoor Growers Guide" that Smokey and myself mentioned earlier, by Ed Rosenthal.... but just go to your local Borders Books or something and check out what they have. Most places have a decent selection of books to choose from. Just sit down and filp thru some of them and make sure they cover everything you need. Good luck my friend.
Do you know what genre it would be under in the book store? Just wondering, I don't really wanna ask the clerk about a growing book.
'sea of green'

it's a movie a saw a while back, really low budget. some guy grew plants in his trailor, and they always were budding, so it was an everylasting sea of green.

it was sooooooo tight.
Bubble*The*Kush said:
Do you know what genre it would be under in the book store? Just wondering, I don't really wanna ask the clerk about a growing book.
Probably horticulture or something like that.... I mean asking someone shouldnt be that big of a deal, if you plan on buying it you're gonna have to show it to someone...
SptyOty said:
Probably horticulture or something like that.... I mean asking someone shouldnt be that big of a deal, if you plan on buying it you're gonna have to show it to someone...

ahahah, i wana buy this book but i dont want you to see what it is...
Bubble*The*Kush said:
It can be grown in a small plastic cup too, right? It doesnt have to be like in a huge pot..

It can only be in a small container while the plant itself is small, once its bigger, you need a bigger container, It's not really difficult to learn how to grow,
SptyOty said:
Marijuana Growers Guide for High Yield by Ed Rosenthal.

I have it and find it to be the best one out there so far, they sell it at just about any big bookstore.


by far the best guide ever made. i used that to grow my last plants, and the ones before. last plant i pulled 1/4 off 2 months premature. the ones before that were about a pound a piece.
Re: Best Growing Guide.

the guys on here are the best this is it as up to date as you can get.:420:4 the people by the people.
I used the "Cannabis Grow Bible" by Greg Green to help with my first couple of grows. Got it from my b-i-l for free. It got me started, then I found this site and most all of my questions have been answered! :smokin:
hei..i want to know if those are the right to use..Plagron Grow Mix , Grow-Micro-Bloom from Advanced Nutrients , Plagron Bat-Guano , Perlite Agro...Thanks
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