best soil


New Member
So I wanted to know what will be the best soil for me to use since
I just started growing sum plants indoor.?? I have two small plants about a week old
N the tips of the leaves are starting too turn yellow do u guys think its the soil or my light .??
It's most likely NITROGEN deficiency or mild lockout. If you consider repotting use rich mix, either commercially available or homemade. The best one is always a balanced one. It needs to contain 17 nutrients, which cannabis needs. That's why growers very often go for some kind of supersoil.
So I wanted to know what will be the best soil for me to use since
I just started growing sum plants indoor.?? I have two small plants about a week old
N the tips of the leaves are starting too turn yellow do u guys think its the soil or my light .??

Most of the time tips turn it is a sign of nute burn. So if you not adding nutes then it might be whats in the soil. I would just keep a eye on them. If adding nutes then cut back a 1/4 each. If not then watch them and see if it gets worse. Most young plants do fine after burn. Jut make sure new growth is not showing burn
Most of the time tips turn it is a sign of nute burn. So if you not adding nutes then it might be whats in the soil. I would just keep a eye on them. If adding nutes then cut back a 1/4 each. If not then watch them and see if it gets worse. Most young plants do fine after burn. Jut make sure new growth is not showing burn

Well the new set of leaf are about to come out let's see
How those do..anyways rote now I'm growing my plants on miracle grow
Soil should I change it or just add sum perlite to it??
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