Best tester for PPM in coco


New Member
Hello everyone,

I am growing in straight, prewashed coco - coir. I am not using a hydro setup, and I need to measure the ppm of my soil when I add nutes and what not. Is there a tool I can use to measure the soil directly? OR should I meausre the runoff? Can anyone recommend a well known/highly recommended tool to use to do this? I have been looking at different tools like the Milwakee TDS pen, but I am not sure what is good and what isnt.

Also, am I watering with a nute solution EVERY water? or do I alternate one watering with nutes and then one with straight water. I cant seem to get a straight answer on this.
Hi erockhardass, I grow in coco and measure runoff every day. I check the PH and PPM of the runoff. For PPM measurement I use a Blue Lab Truncheon.
I flush every 3-4 days in flower. :peace:
What do you mean you flush every 3-4 days? Like just water with straight water? Or completely flush them out with a ton of water? That seems a bit excessive for once a week. Can you elaborate?
erockhardass, When growing in coco you can get a condition called lockout.
I know of a very good grower who grows in coco and flushes every two weeks.
That is probably often enough. I flush with water and clearex. It is not a complete flush, it is more like watering without nutes. Everyone grows a littledifferently.
Thar's no one "right way". If it meets your needs it's the right way.
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