Best Vape for the $

Re: Best Vape for the $$$

Depending on where you plan on using it, I'd recommend a box style with a digital temperature display. Not sure if I can specify any brands on here though, dont want to get smashed by admins/mods for possibly mentioning something thats not sponsored here.
Re: Best Vape for the $$$

I would recommend the Volcano Classic if you can afford it. I know it's not in your ideal range, but it's well worth the money trust me
Re: Best Vape for the $$$

I would suggest the herbalaire. Its around 285 (CAD) or so, but its a great little thing. Quiet, a bit slow, but good efficiency. I don't own one (yet! im saving up), but have used my friends, and it works great!
Re: Best Vape for the $$$

I hear great things about the Herbal Aire and I've seen it for $249. I have a digital box style vaporizer called Noble Vapor. You can find it under a few different brand names. It's pretty decent and around $100.
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