Birth control pill- a good grower


New Member
well i was downloading some stuff and came across something i thought was most peculiar- so i thought hey y not lets give it the ol' try.
So i am hear saying that Guide of Growing Marijuana says this-
one birth control pill mised with one gallon of water is great the last few weeks of veg and good early flowering- this may be a good tip of not-a friend of mine is going to try it sometime- Guide to Growing Marijuana
says a 2 plants were grown under same light, soil, strain, ventilation, etc. one was given the solution once or twice and grew to be 20 feet, the other was not given the solution and grew 7 feet.

If you want to use this just shake up a gallon of water and one(1) birth control pill- give last few weeks of veg- water and only water between those two times of giving solution and said to work

my friend is going to try this and if good i will too
I think the best thing is to keep the pollen away in the first place... :cheesygrinsmiley: (j/k)

I could be wrong, but I doubt that mammalian hormones will do much for a plant. I am a professional skeptic, so I say perform your own study. 2 clones under identical conditions and fertilization with one getting the "pill"...

Let us know how it works out...

dont know how i will aquire such a pill- for im a dude but in a few years i will get a few and do that(i was thinking clones too so not ruin harvest and possibly get more out of different conditions)
thx for posting
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