Bloodshot eyes

William Holden

New Member
Why from weed, but not from anything else? Well, I dont smoke cigerettes, but i've never seen anyone with bloodshot eyes after smoking a cig.

So, why does weed 'chink out' and redden your eyes?
I donno, something to do with the blood vessells I think.. All I know is my dad had to stop smoking for a while because the weed was effecting his bad eyes (he had a detached retna)

My eyes don't really get red anymore.. Sometimes there will be a slight gloss, but thats about it. Unless I smoked some of the shit MatanuskaValley grows, then I bet my eyes would be bleeding their asses off.
i think its because when you smoke weed, the brain calls for more blood because it heats up.
or weed and vampyres are related!!
Yeah, you get that feeling in your eyes thats all warm and weird, like, your eyes just dont feel normal. Its cool.
Your eyes get red because weed increases your heart rate. Therefore your blood pumps more vigourously through your vessels... including the ones in your eyes. More blood, more pumping = red eyes. If your a frequent smoker then your heart gets used to the 'exercise' and the increase isn't as noticable.

Contacts make it worse because they irritate your eyes. And your eye gets rid of irritation by watering, which also gets the good ol' blood pumping through the eyes. I wear contacts too, so I know all about the wonderful "my contacts are stuck to my eyes and they're blood red".

Simple lubricating drops (for contacts) work wonders on stoned contact user's eyes (I don't need any 'red eye reducing drops'. If you don't wear contacts, then ClearEyes works great because it's gentle on the eyes.

'course if you use drops too much, then you're eyes become dependant on them and stop lubricating themselves. Causing them to be much dryer, itchier, and redder. So just let your eyes adapt LoL
as a few others have posted - my eyes dont get red...... no matter how much i smoke they dont get red i dunno i guess im just blessed like that
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