BOG style - a quote


Well-Known Member
"I run approx 4 K (watts) and most is on 12/12 with 1K of MH on 21/3. I think outdoor growing is riskier than indoors. I prefer growing organically in soil indoors. My biggest plants can go 6 oz dried bud. I use all HPS in flower and I like Pure Blend, Earth Juice Bloom and Fox Farm Bloom Bat Guano liquid. I use a bit of superthrive and 30 watts per sq ft hps light in flower. I use basic techniques with a bit of co2 on the side. In my jungle I am the King and my Virgins do my bidding." - Bushy Old Grower

I can personally atest to his genetic lines. They are THE BOMB! If you can get your hands on some, do it! You won't be disappointed. My personal favorite is L.S.D. The high is quick up and the comedown is smooth. I think of it like a glider...high as shit, soaring around then coming in for a landing and 'tink' you realize you're down. I love it! Read his book too! :bongrip:
BOG is an awsome grower. I have read some HT articles about him and he has some great ideas.
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