Budding and pruning


New Member
alright so my plants are all budding :p and ive read that if you prune your plants (taking off all the big and medium and smaller fan leaves) it will make it more potent buds... should i prune them and if so how should i do it?
i have heard that it is just a rumor. i have also heard that by cutting them off, you take much needed processes from the plant and it can actually make your bud not s good as it woulda been. I am not experienced, but i figured my words might help. feel free to correct me anyone
The big fan levaes of the plant are factories for processing light into energy for the lant. If you cut these off, not only have you wasted the energy the plant has used to produce these power plants, but you are depriving the plant of the energy it grew the fan leaf to collect in the first place. If biug fan leaves are shrowding lower leaves or buds, you can move them or position the, in a way that they are no longer blocking anything.
also, after budding for like 2-3 weeks you can start to trim off some of the smaller "popcorn" buds on the bottom half of the plant, only if you want a few, primo, huge, sticky buds, instead of alot of smaller ones, and this gives you something to smoke on too if you dont have anything...
i heard that if you trim off the leaves all the THC goes towards the buds making them more potent

also in pictures (like of bongerella's beautiful plants) when the plants are budding many of the leaves have been taken off so bongerella any insight as to what to do?
If u have the room, put lights near the bottom of your plants, that way not just the top of your plant is getting lights. Get bigger buds not only on the top, but lower on the plant as well. ;)
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