California: Camarillo Aims To Ban Growth Of Medical Marijuana

Robert Celt

New Member
The Camarillo City Council on Wednesday unanimously agreed to prohibit the cultivation of medical marijuana and other commercial cannabis activities in the city.

It was the first reading of an ordinance that will amend a city code covering medical marijuana. The ordinance will return to the council for final approval on Jan. 27. If adopted, it would take effect Feb. 26.

Like other California cities and counties, Camarillo is adopting an ordinance before a state law takes effect. The state will assume authority over medical marijuana on March 1 for cities and counties that do not have land use rules that regulate or prohibit commercial medical marijuana.

Camarillo already prohibits medical marijuana dispensaries from operating in the city. The city also prohibits the delivery of medical marijuana, except those made by a primary caregiver to a qualified patient.

"The city does not currently have any expressed regulations regarding marijuana cultivation, but may implement them under state law if they choose to do so," said Camarillo City Attorney Brian Pierik.

The Camarillo Planning Commission voted in December to recommend that the council adopt the ordinance prohibiting cultivation of medical marijuana.

Pierik said there is evidence of secondary impacts, including criminal acts at medical marijuana facilities.

Camarillo Police Cmdr. Monica McGrath said medical marijuana dispensaries are cash-only businesses, which raises the level of theft and robberies where they are located.

She cited San Bernardino as an example of where 26 out of 52 dispensaries have been closed because of numerous violations, and crime rates in surrounding areas of dispensaries have "skyrocketed."

"It creates a situation where we need to ensure public safety, and there's no stringent safeguards without the ban," said McGrath.

McGrath said medical marijuana cultivation is hard to regulate, and the police department often will investigate complaints and find other elements of crime.

Camarillo resident Jameson Lingl told council members that his mom opted to use medical marijuana instead of painkillers for a back injury she sustained while working as a nurse. His mom grows her own medical marijuana, and he's afraid that she now will have to go to a marijuana dispensary, where it can be unsafe.

He said the city should look into regulating who can grow marijuana and make exceptions.

During the meeting, there was some confusion on the interpretation of the ordinance and if it would allow people to grow medical marijuana plants at home.

The city currently allows the growing of six mature or 12 immature marijuana plants, and a patient can have up to 8 ounces of dried marijuana.

Pierik said the new ordinance prohibits growing medical marijuana plants. Patients will still be allowed the 8 ounces of dried marijuana with a prescription, and primary caregivers or the patient would still be allowed to obtain medical marijuana from a legal dispensary outside of the city.

Councilman Bill Little said he had no problem supporting the ordinance because he believes medical marijuana is a gateway to recreational use and legalizing marijuana.

Councilwoman Jan McDonald said supporting the ordinance is an opportunity for the council and future councils to have local control of the issue.

"If we don't take action tonight, it's in the hands of the state of California. My personal approach to everything is if you can have local control of anything, you take it," said McDonald.


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: California: Camarillo Aims To Ban Growth Of Medical Marijuana
Author: Michele Willer-Allred
Photo Credit: Ventura County Star
Website: Ventura County Star
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