can a 400 watt hps be good for the whole grow?

how much do those cost? also i have a salt water fish tank 140 watt flourescent would that work? and how long do till i change to hps? thanks!
if the fish tank light is a floural and not just for heat it should be fine.. but i would just go to walmart and get like 6-9 buck sprial flourals that go in normal light sockets. veg wiht floural tell u want to flower them then throw the hps on ..
im thinking around 2-4? comfortably
ook, around how much bud am i looking around getting for one plant of white widow? is a quarter pound at of all four plants likely?? thanks!
i have seen One HPS 400 watter and One dual shop light with flurocent grow bulbs grow 12-15plants mixed sativa/indica varities.........:pimp: Just as long as you got the right air flow,tempature and reflective material.It dont take a rocket science but it is alot of trial and error.:grinjoint:
i dont think shop lights put out the right spectrum either. . . i may be wrong though, depends on the light. . .
yea im gona start with 4 seeds, and 4 42 watt cfl. then maybe add a couple more as needed. after that im gona put just the hps n if i need extra light im gona through some of those cfls on too. how does this sound??? im sure ill have some males that im gona have to get rid of thats y im startin with 4, or even 5. hah
well use my 400 hps for veg then i put them under 1000mh flowering. i dont think there nothing wrong with it so grow man
According to Ed Rosenthal writer of ask Ed "HIGH TIMES" claims a 400 watt hps is great for the whole growing cycle and i have seen it personally.:nomo:Up to 24 hours strait during veg cycle and then about 60 days later 12 to 13 hours on and then12 off .24 hours VEG 60 days,12/12 30 to 90 days Flowerering.Flowering hours vary a little according to variety. 400 watt Super hps Hortilux.:laughtwo:
I have a 400 watt HPS. I have posted a FAQ on beginners questions including a section on light. 400watt can grow as much as 16 plants as I have calculated depending on the size of the plant when flowering. And for another prospective I have also veged with a 400watt MH with two 2.5' soil plants and 8 small hydro plants. They all did fine. I use a small space about 6'x4' and 8 feet tall. I flowered those two soil plants when they were around 2.5' at one point I had two 4-5' plants under a 400watt plus some smaller ones. As for the HPS and MH, go to home depot, buy some 4' shop flourescent fixtures. Hit up a grow store and get some flourescent grow tubes and set up a HPS flowering room and a flouro veg room.
I've done a 4 or 5 grows, so am far from an expert. I've been using a 430 watt son agro bulb from start to finish and have done well. It has 30% of the blue spectrum in it. Mel Thomas wrote that a lot of European growers use the from start to finish. I personally grow 4 or 5 and flower them around 22 inches and get 2-3 o's a plant at about 40-45 inches a plant harvest hight. Dude you got a good light and strain. Go to Encore books and pick a $20.00 book. It is $$ well spent
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