Can anyone tell me what this may be?


New Member
I've tried flushing with green up. For a week and a half.
I've tried slowly introducing the food back.
I've even transplanted this was before the flush though what could this be?

Cannabis carter



It is outdoor. And I'm using fox farm products I was using bio thrive line but switched. And how do I bring him back someone?!!!!!
And as for schedule I would feed water feed water how often should I be feeding my other ladies are booooooomin right now just this strangler
If the plant is burnt, either the soil is hot or you're adding too much nutes, or a combination of both....

She's in a pot right? So feed just water for a couple of times and see if she gets better. The yellow leaves are not going to recover, but if just water works, it won't progress further.
run phd water through it till its flushed, then just keep phd water for a couple days, then add 1/4 strength nutes, then every few days add a little more, if you think to yourself when adding nutes, this may be too much, it more than likely is. Also remember the nutrient strength that works for one strain may be too much nutes for a different strain, some strains are hogs for calcium and magnesium, like white widow, they use it all up and lock out the other nutrients. plants use calcium and magnesium in their growth phases, calcium and magnesium act as a train for all the other nutes to use to go throughout the plant, when calcium or magnesium is used up, those other nutrients don't have a way to get throughout the plant essentially locking them out. That may be another issue, instead of adding more base nutes, try a light feeding of CALMAG, if in soil wait 48 hours to see improvement, if in hydro, it should only take a couple hours to see them start to bounce back, the yellowing and burnt spots will never turn back to looking healthy, but all new growth shouldn't have any issues and that's what you want to look for. some lower leaves can yellow and die off if calcium and magnesium is missing due to the plant pulling every bit of those resources from the lower leaves causing them to die off. Hope this huge paragraph helps.
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