Canadian Seed Banks open to public


New Member
Went down to hydro store today, asked em about the seed bank they mentioned, turned out its right next door, and openly sells seeds to the public as souvenirs. I bought myself some Dinafem Critical Mass CBD as I've heard it has a great yield and good mellow high with a wonderful CBD content for medical reasons. I just didn't know it was possible to just get them anywhere, I guess you need to look for the places, but they are there.

I live just outside of Toronto in Ontario, Canada. Literally just walked in there and bought them like nothing. Surprised the hell out of me!
That's the way it OUGHT to be. We're not buying poppy seeds to manufacture heroine for gawds sake ... keep it real.
In Vancouver you can buy pot from vending machines.

That is pretty awesome. Although from what I understand you do still need a medical license. Was able to buy these seeds without one, I hope I live to see the day its legal for anyone of a certain age to buy pot from a vending machine if they wanted to.
That is pretty awesome. Although from what I understand you do still need a medical license. Was able to buy these seeds without one, I hope I live to see the day its legal for anyone of a certain age to buy pot from a vending machine if they wanted to.

Move to Vancouver because it's happening there right now. No medical license is needed, you just put your money in the machine and choose your strain. Voila! You got your pot. Marijuana is essentially legal in Vancouver.
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