Cannabis Dispensaries

ok cool, so i could ask them to call and verify before i drive 3 hours? lol

( i only ask cuz one dispeserary wanted to wait till i got there )
some will verify over the phone ahead of time, some will only do it in person with your original paperwork, case by case basis, regardless they will all have to see original paperwork and proper state issued i.d when you get there, prior to giving you access...
I live in the bay area. I have been to San Francisco County, Alameda County, Santa Cruz County, Humboldt County and Los Angeles County all with my orginal paperwork/ID card from the recommending doctor. I have never had a problem unless there is additional ID or fee required. There are some out there like that. If they are telling you that they will verify you at the facility, there is probably no additional fee or membership and you should have no problem.
ya ok... i have the doctors paperwork, but not a id card, just wondering if some don't let you in with out both
state issued driver's license or identification card

proper state issued i.d

where would i go for one of those? i don't have any dispensarys in my county, i thought it was a county thing.
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