Cannabis kills chemo nausea

Twiztid Shadow

New Member
My father had cancer for almost 2 year's b4 he passed away. The first 6 months he had it they were just running tests and all that good shit. The next 6, he got chemo treatments, every other day my sister would drive him to a hospital 45 mins. away. Every day he would have gut wrenching nausia the whole day. Well after that 6 they stopped and waited another 6 ran a test and it was back. Well this time he got the same chemo but he smoked weed not medical but regualr ol' stree bud. The last 6 months of my father's life on earth was spent sitting in his chair watching tv, not bent over a toilet. Thank god they keep that horrible drug illegal we don't want people to be able to handle things do we? Stay high! :grinjoint:
Re: Cannibus kills chemo nausia.

i know just how you feel my dad had pancreatic cancer for a year before he passsed away (R.I.P) and he had the same thing but did not have the bud to help him thrue it.
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