CannaButter In 7 Easy Steps!

Hey all, I haven't been able to flick through all 20 pages so I'm hoping someone can answer this kindly :D.

I just got what I believe to be close to an oz of weed although not in the form of buds, I believe he said they're like the leaves (and said they wouldn't be as potent as buds etcetc). Should I stick to the 1oz:1lb butter ratio when making the butter?
Um, yeah you can still make bud butter with trim. Use a 1 lb block of butter and melt it down. Heat it till the frothy milk solids come to the top and remove from the heat. Let cool for 20 min. Scrape all the mik solids off the top, you now have clarified butter. Stir your trim into the clearified butter and return the pan to the heat. You want to barely simmer the weed for 10 mins(butter burns easy and gets a nasty taste). Remove from the heat and let cool to room temp, aprox 20 mins. Spoon out the wasted trim, there's no thc left in it. Use this golden elixer for when brownies or anything calls for oil.
So pretty much keeping the same ratio will be fine, ok cool.

I can still use the water method right, the one that is originally posted in this thread?
So pretty much keeping the same ratio will be fine, ok cool.

I can still use the water method right, the one that is originally posted in this thread?

yup... if it is trim, it will be a little less potent, than if you used bud.. and this was the first time I used the water method,, was very easy.

I have tried the other way, and usually end up burning the butter,, so for me, this is much better :)
Yup, the water is there as a saftey precaution. As long as there's water in there with the oil, it'll never get above 210 degrees. Thc will vaporize out if it gets hotter than that. But if you keep the heat on low and stay over the stove the whole time, its not a problem. Like for me, i'm experienced in the kitchen, and adding water at the beginning just means i'll have to remove it later.
Ok sweet, thanks guys, wasn't sure before if I should keep the same ratio or use less butter but I'll just stick to 1oz:1lb.

How long would I be able to keep the butter in the fridge for if I don't use all of it straight away? few months? or just go off the butters expiry date on the package?
hehe,, I need the safety net.. :) Don't get me wrong, I can cook well, and if I paid very close attention, I am sure I could do the straight butter method...

but, since I will probably be stoned when cooking,, it is best to have a safety net :hookah:
Ok sweet, thanks guys, wasn't sure before if I should keep the same ratio or use less butter but I'll just stick to 1oz:1lb.

How long would I be able to keep the butter in the fridge for if I don't use all of it straight away? few months? or just go off the butters expiry date on the package?

I don't know about the fridge, but you can freeze it,,,
If kept in the fridge, I would use the expiry date on the package, but when you are done, divide it up, (you will probably end up with just over 3 sticks worth, as the other will probably get sucked up in the trim/cheesecloth, etc..)
then put what you will not use right away into the freezer. You should be able to keep it for a year in there..
Me and my friend made some serious cookies maybe a month ago, but we made the butter differently.

We just melted the amount of butter we needed for the recipe in a pan added ground stems and leaves and some dank,
stirred constantly for 40 minutes and strained the butter straight into the mix.

Half an hour later we were eating the first batch. By the end of the night the three of us had eaten every crumb and we were.. :goof: man, all I even remember is laughing. There was a card game in there somewhere, but.. We were still high at ten the next morning.

I don't remember how much butter we used but I know our weed to butter ratio was way over on the weed side.
Made more the same way a couple day ago, but these were better. All we used was dank, and a lot of it! The first thing any of us felt was numb mouth, then down your throat, then into your head, then everywhere! It was crazy! I love edibles!!! Nom Nom Nom!!
I made cannabis toffee one time. It was very sweet and strong. It barely effected me, but like you said it effects others differently. That is the main reason I am asking my doctor to up my amount from 5 grams a day to 15 so I can eat it. It has to be very strong for it to work ( I have neuropathic pain and a bunch of other stuff- I guess it has to get through all that first).
I just made my first batch of cannabutter last night, and I'll be baking the brownies tonight. Thanks for the all the tips and pictures in this thread.

I started with 14 grams (1/2 oz) of good bud and 2 sticks of butter (1/2 cup). At the end of the process, I only had 2/3 cup of cannabutter. Did I mess up, or is it typical to lose that much cannabutter in the process?

Also, I was planning on making two batches of brownies - each batch requires 1/4 cup of butter. Do you think splitting the 2/3 cup of butter I have will be enough for each batch (adding regular butter to each batch per the recipe), or should I make another 1/3 cup of cannabutter to make sure the brownies are strong enough?

Thanks in advance.
I lost about a stick of butter,, I think the trim will retian some,, so I started with about 5 sticks of butter, and ended up with 4..
I think you will be ok, especially if it is your first batch, you don't know how it will hit you, so be prepared, and make sure you got nothing to do for the next 5 hours or so :)

oh.. and :welcome: to 420 mag.. you ave found a very friendly, helpful, and informative place.. sit back, read, relax and I'll see ya around the forums :peace:
I lost about a stick of butter,, I think the trim will retian some,, so I started with about 5 sticks of butter, and ended up with 4..

Did you squeeze/press it as much as possible? If you used five sticks and one was still with the trim then you lost (pitched?) 20% of your end product.
It was a last minute effort,, and while I left my wife tending to the simmering stew,, I ran around like an idiot trying to find cheese cloth, (should have just bought some nylons,, but did not think of it at the time) well I could not find any,, was probably too stoned,, so I found this metal fine mesh strainer,, like4 or 5 inch diameter,, so,I used that,, I pushed as much as I could though it,,, was a messy ordeal.. lol

even so, I think if I had some cheese cloth, some would have been absorbed by the cloth as well though, woudln't it? I figure there would have to be some loss,
There is some loss but it can be minimal if you grind your weed into a powder with a blender, and allow the butter to cool enough to touch for squeezing.
This is my 3rd time making budder and you do learn from mistakes. This time, I barely had any mess at all! Used rubber gloves for squeezing and make sure I had plenty of cheesecloth.
I used 1 1/2 oz to a 1 1/4 lb of butter cus I was using a mix of leaves, trim, dank and a few buds.
The newest trick I've tried this time is to add a shot of Jack Daniels to the brew. The booze cooks off but the jack flavor helps with the taste. Cookies will be made in the morning. I'll let ya know how it goes.
There is some loss but it can be minimal if you grind your weed into a powder with a blender, and allow the butter to cool enough to touch for squeezing.
This is my 3rd time making budder and you do learn from mistakes. This time, I barely had any mess at all! Used rubber gloves for squeezing and make sure I had plenty of cheesecloth.
I used 1 1/2 oz to a 1 1/4 lb of butter cus I was using a mix of leaves, trim, dank and a few buds.
The newest trick I've tried this time is to add a shot of Jack Daniels to the brew. The booze cooks off but the jack flavor helps with the taste. Cookies will be made in the morning. I'll let ya know how it goes.

the jack is a great idea, let us know how it goes. +reps for sure..
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