Coliseum from Arista


New Member
Hoping someone can help me out here. I was very interested in knowing if anyone has used the coliseum that won gear of the year award for best hydroponic setup. Wondering what the results were and the whole works. I'd love to see pixs and know more such as how it produces and all etc. I want someone not associated with the magazines and all whos simply trying to sell a product. Thanks alot for any feedback ya can offer.

The hydroponic store in my town has them. I am decent friends with them and they absolutely hate it so far. They have one set up, but the new model requires you to drill in the tray if you were to want to link more than one together. The older model, which they have 1 of, allows you to use gravity to have the water run off go over a side to flow to another coleseum.

I think they look cool, but I think its like LED grow lights. Awesome idea for a stoner, but probably just another piece of garbage put together by some hydroponic company to make bank with.

I personally would recommend to a new user of hydroponics the rainforest or another simple aeroponics or some simple eb n flow system.

Peace :peace:
Thanks for the info. Seems odd though to me that it sucks and all because of how long high times magazine has been raving about this thing...But then again it did sound too good to be true. take care.
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