Compost tea not frothing


Well-Known Member
First time brewing a compost tea this is
1 gallon distilled water
1/4cup Gaia green worm castings
1teaspoon Gaia green 4-4-4
1tablespoon blackstrap molasses
Using cheesecloth to hold the dry ingredients

20hours in and it’s not frothy on the top I’m wondering if that means it isn’t as strong or there is little to no good life in there

If the lack of froth is a negative I’m thinking if I just get another small pump and have four of the tubes going maybe that’ll fix it ? Has been brewing in very dim area not full dark maybe that was the issue?
Any responses from someone with experience would be appreciated​
I do not use gardening teas, compost or otherwise, but have read about how to make and then use them.

The lack of froth is not a sign that something is going wrong. Some articles will mention that a frothy surface is a sign of too much protein in the mix.

And some articles mention that the compost or wormcasting teas will work just great even if there is very little froth.

The color is looking good and you were only 20 hours in as of when you posted the message. Wait another 12 hours and it should be ready to use. Apply and watch the plant to see if and how it reacts.
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