Could use some opinions


New Member
So, my most recent employer sold the business and the new guy cleaned house, leaving me out of luck naturally. I've been applying for work and as to be expected, almost everywhere I've sent in applications for do a preliminary drug screening. I've stopped smoking for a little over 30 days now and intend to keep it that way until I'm re-employed, pretty much as soon as I knew I was going to be looking for work I stopped. I'm 5'6 and around 215, so I'm not paper thin, but not insanely huge either, and there is some muscle there. I was a pretty frequent smoker for a few years, maybe a 1/2 gram on an average day, significantly more when doing so socially, some days less if it was a busy day and I had to do life things. Then about a year and a half ago, I cut back significantly even to that, usually less than a full pack a night with occasional nights a bit more but also plenty of nights I went without in between. Like I said, considering it's been a month now and I'm still waiting on calls back, should I feel good about it when the time comes to get tested? Any answers would be greatly appreciated!
I would leave the guessing to others and run out and buy some drug test kits and see what results you get. Then you can feel a little more confident about taking tests.
I would leave the guessing to others and run out and buy some drug test kits and see what results you get. Then you can feel a little more confident about taking tests.

I would buy some cheap thc test strips off of ebay and test yourself at home first to see how you're doing. Or if you want to splurge you can go to a regular testing facility and get tested there and if you do pop positive they'll be able to tell you what your thc levels are at.

Right, I sort of figured this was the type of response I'd get, rightfully so obviously! I was going to address this in my original post, but I forgot. I know buying tests is the only foolproof way to know how I'm doing, but considering my situation came on such short notice, I don't have a whole lot of excess money to be spending because I didn't have a whole lot saved (lesson learned there, whiffed on that).
So, like I said, while I know the only foolproof way to know is going to be to buy a test, for the time being, I'm just hoping to get some input on if people in my situation, or similar situation with all factors considered, are generally in the clear or close to it by this point in stopping. I appreciate the responses though guys!
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