Delhi Township Eyes Marijuana Moratorium


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DELHI TWP. - A moratorium was placed on medicinal marijuana land use by the Delhi Township Board of Trustees at its meeting on Sept. 21.

Township planners will not approve any land use applications pertaining to medicinal marijuana purposes for 180 days.

"No matter which side of the issue we are on we are going to have to come up with some kind of regulations," Township Supervisor Stuart Goodrich said.

State voters approved the legalization of using medicinal marijuana in 2008.

But since then, state legislators haven't come up with a suitable way to regulate the business despite numerous bills being introduced, said Delhi Township Trustee Derek Bajema.

He said the planning commission will be charged with developing a plan within 90 days, so that the board can vote on it by the time the moratorium ends.

Township Community Development Director Tracy Miller wrote in a memo that many communities in the area are doing the same thing.

"Many of the communities in our region, and across the State, have adopted moratorium's in order to give themselves a reasonable period of time to consider this new piece of legislation and its potential land use impacts on our community. ," Miller wrote to the board.

She found that the results from each community have varied.

"Although not a recommended approach at this point, some communities are taking the stance that marijuana is illegal under federal law and therefore a local law can not be less restrictive...Communities at the other end of the spectrum view the potential influx of dispensaries, compassion clubs, bakeries, etc. as a potential economic boom."

She wrote that the moratorium will apply only to related commercial activities and not affect the rights of individuals.

Goodrich said Delhi Township will have to determine its own regulations through zoning, land use and ordinances.

NewsHawk: MedicalNeed:420 MAGAZINE
Contact: Lansing State Journal
Copyright: 2010
Website:Delhi Township eyes marijuana moratorium
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