
Gb Packer

420 Member
52 days approx into 56 -63 day outdoor flowering cycle alot of rain in forcast southern ontario !


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I am far from an expert but by the look of your pistils, you’ve still got a ways to go for optimal flower. I am in Vermont, and have a full day of rain tomorrow, storms tomorrow. I am hoping to harvest not for another 2 weeks. I plan to inspect diligently for rot until then, remove if found and attempt to contain. If spread looks evident, take it down when absolutely necessary. Just my plan...
While typically we wait until pistils turn color, this is not a full proof method. Without pictures of the trichomes it's really hard to respond. That said, these look way too young to harvest. They look weeks away at the least in my opinion. Rain isn't always a death sentence. Sure, it's a risk factor, but if you gently shake the ladies after a rain, it can help prevent issues. I understand your concern, just feel these are way too young at this time.

Good luck !

I'm in Northern Ontario and my plant is in the exact same stage. I've just been covering it up with tarps at night to keep the frost from getting to it. Hoping to let it finish as much as I can.
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