dirty south?


New Member
Im from cali origionally but currently i am forced to live in the shithole otherwise known as memphis....

just wondering if anyone is near here.
damn thats a drive...... but concidering ive driven from here to L.A. and back several times i dont imagine it would be all that bad....
well thank you KP its nice to know i got ff friends in low places

my work are a bunch of dick wen it comes to vacation but if i can weasel some time out of them im def. gonna make the trip~
^^thats not far either.......^^

FelixTheKwat said:
Im from cali origionally but currently i am forced to live in the shithole otherwise known as memphis....

just wondering if anyone is near here that i can roadtrip to and have a nice smokin session with
hell yea...... i'm from Georgia........ :smokin:
^^ kickass.....

thats not too far to drive - ima go visit kingphilie first tho.......hes my fellow ff7 freak ~
^^hrmm..... might consider that ^^ - gotta get a passport first and price hotels in that area but im just afraid that if i go to canada i wont wanna leave, i already want to move up there as it is.......
talk to kp and if you can convince him then im game ~
well then lets get goin on a plan........
I beat FF7... I'm geussing you guys are as excited as I am about Advent Children??? That is gonna be grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat..
Memphis sucks ass. Except for the fact that it's easier to get it here than anywhere else I've ever lived. And I've met a ton of folks who smoke. I can't tell u the times we've smoked in the parking garage and then trudged down Beale Street to Alfred's or 152. Yeah if you're there.. look for the hot, high, older, red-headed chick... Lol
^ haha ive seen that chick! ^
^ wait........ is that you? ^
FelixTheKwat said:
Im from cali origionally but currently i am forced to live in the shithole otherwise known as memphis....

just wondering if anyone is near here that i can roadtrip to and have a nice smokin session with

memphis is a shithole man...i'm from about 1hr15min away but now i live hr farther in cape girardeau mo. do you go to memphis in may?
memphis in may is the only shred of decency this town has..... i go to musicfest every year

damn i hate this city
i live in good ole springfield mo...near arkansas not too far away from memphis...ive been there a couple of times to go to alabama on vacation...im always up for a visit!
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