Distilled Water?

What Kind of Water?

  • Tap

    Votes: 67 38.3%
  • Distilled

    Votes: 71 40.6%
  • Bottled

    Votes: 37 21.1%

  • Total voters
I would choose distilled water if I could but that can get expensive. I just run my tap water through the brita, test it, adjust if necessary, add the nutes, and dump it in.
NoDirtWeed4Me said:
I would choose distilled water if I could but that can get expensive. I just run my tap water through the brita, test it, adjust if necessary, add the nutes, and dump it in.

How much does a pH tester run? Do you also use pH up and down chemicals? How necessary do you think that kind of thing is? Does using a Brita do a good enough job on its own as to not have to test you think?
Well the brita doesn't help with the PH just the other fucky stuff in tap water. If you live in a city you should definitely get one, if you live in the country you might be able to get away with it but I would get one anyways. If you are looking to just get it in the area you can pick up a pool ph/chlorine test kit at home depot or walmart for a couple bucks. The electronic onesare a bit more pricey.
If you PH tests too high or low then yes you would use ph up/down. It's not the same stuff you would use for the pool though it's specially made safe for plants.

I think I answer you questions, if not let me know.
Sweet!! Good to hear. I've never done a before and after test like that. Good lookin out bro. :biggrin: I still have to ph adjust mine though.
I wouldn't used City or well water, City has Chlorine and Flouride both burn plants up, Well water has whatever minerals are found in your area, in my case its full of iron (rust) also bad for plants at that high of a level.
Distilled water is cheap if you buy a bottle, and refill it at one of those fill it yourself machines outside grocery stores, I pay like $1.50 for 5 gallons, and the PH sits around 6.5 to 7.
Bong water is pretty bad for plants actually the ash makes acidic water that throws the whole PH off. Just thought I warn people before they accidentally killed their plants.
NoDirtWeed4Me said:
Bong water is pretty bad for plants actually the ash makes acidic water that throws the whole PH off. Just thought I warn people before they accidentally killed their plants.
that's a no shitter.....................how about using chlorine?-smart ass
oh yeah I use distilled water from Culligan, just have it delivered twice a month, large 5g jugs. I started using distilled water halfway through the last grow and it did amazing things for those plants, I won't use anything else. As for cost its worth it when it comes down to it, your plants will love it and you would see remarkable changes if you switched from tap water to distilled in the plants and quality of the buds.
Distilled and R/O are two very different processes. One uses distillation,hence the name. Reverse osmosis (R/O) uses high pressure pumps that force water through extremely fine filters at about 900psi and higher.
R/O filters out not only chemicals, but also particles that get left behind inthe distillation process. R/O water is about as pure as you can get without maingit in a lab with H & O.

i 've used R/O water for my last two grows. The ph is perfect and my plants love it. I'm only paying .39/gal. In the end I spend around $40 per crop.
Definitely worth the $$$

good luck!
well water is probaly the best. as long as your not useing chlorine to filter the water. what may be even better is pond water with a little algie in it, good fert.
well water is probaly the best. as long as your not useing chlorine to filter the water. what may be even better is pond water with a little algie in it, good fert.

I'm thinking well water would work pretty good because of all the trace minerals that bottled or tap water does not have. Most tap water has a good amount of fluride and chlorine in it also..
my well is fulla cow shit and it grows plants damn good lol. but i'm sure theres plenty of minerals and rust and whatever else in it too even tho it still does good on growin this stuff and fillin my hydro setup with
I wish I had a 4th option for Reverse Osmosis.
OH wow! DO NOT INTRODUCE POND WATER WITH ALGAE IN IT TO YOUR GARDEN. Algae is not something we want to see growing with our weed. Some spend a lot of money to remove it from their reservoirs and soil. Why add it intentionally? Plus you have no idea what else is in that pond water. Well water needs to be tested before you use it as well. Some wells like mine are full of unwanted chemicals and organisms that affect taste and growth. I use RO water. It's the best! I paid about $60.00 after s/h for a portable 4 stage reverse osmosis system off ebay and spend $22.00 every other month on new pre and post filters. We use the water for drinking, cooking and growing. My tap/well water is over 400ppm and after I run it through the RO set up it runs between 2 and 4 PPM. Huge difference.
as far as well water goes...what kind of well...i had a natural aquifer that had a runoff from it...came from 250 some odd feet down, pure naturaly filtered water....the plants LOVED it! at the end, my girls were almost 6 1/2 feet tall...that water was awesome..didnt use nothing but that water and soil from a horse pasture...threw in some earth worms and wow...sorry for the rant...:bong:...my point is this..if its a natural well good, if its a piped well test it...
Just let my tap water sit overnight
I been checkin' out rain collection systems,
maybe when I get rich.

its not that hard..just get a garbage can and put in the nessary stuff for a hose and stuff..or just use it as a well...you can run the gutter into the lid ((with the lid having a hole cut for it))...then under the lid you install a screen to keep bugs, leaves, other various gutter runoff, and even if you keep the lid off, still have a screen to keep mosquitos (sp) out...
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