Diving back in

Seti Flotilla

New Member
Wow, I wasn't planning to register. But after reading page after page of generous, good-natured posts and shared knowledge - you 420 folks just plain melted my heart and I HAVE to join in the conversation!
I recognize a superb forum when I see it.
I closet-grew my family's heirloom strains in the early 80's and was getting pretty savvy in the ways of our favorite plant. But um, a new family happened and "gardening" has meant just edible vegetables for the last 21+ years for this old dog. Let me tell you, it was humbling and compared to cannabis propagatin' it was like I possessed three brown thumbs.
Sounds backwards, but I really had to "listen to the garden" and slowly, with discipline, learn what works in this part of the world for each vegetable plant.

Now am getting ready to once again set up a stealth system and I see that there is a lot of new technic about, but also many many things have not changed. We have an Internet now, and some pretty cool seed banks. But in so many countries the art must still be practiced in isolation and out of sight.

This forum must keep so many gardeners from going insane! Meaning, it's a terrible thing to feel alone. And the Internet makes exchange of information (and the human connection) possible in a way that the world has never seen. I give thanks in advance for 420's existence...:thanks:

I look forward to continue learning from the masters here, as I have been doing by lurking for um, too long. Please don't laugh as I catch up with some of the jargon (Still trying to figure out what "UBT" stands for, though I see what it DOES thanks to journal pictures!) - but as a seed is still a seed and a newbie is still a newbie, I pledge to offer help right from the start where I can and where there's need.

So, feeling like Rip Van Winkle, yet convinced that we're among friends here, I hope to be birthing and journaling a grow in 2012. You'll probably see a SOG with old-school elements but also a couple of 'twists.' We may flourish, we may flounder and fail, but we'll have FUN dang it! :rocker:

Just call me:
Seti Flotilla
High Seti Flotilla, :welcome: to 420 Magazine!

I wasn't going to register either at first... I spent a lot of time lurking on many different forums, but after a while 420 Magazine just seemed like home :love:.

Someone here once told me that a growers life, was a lonely life, but it's not quite as lonely with 420 Magazine!

And yes, our members are some of the most knowledgable and the most helpful anywhere!

If you haven't already, please take a moment to check out the guidelines... they will assist you in navigating the forum.
Forum Guidelines - Please Read Before Posting

Here are some other links that you should check out:
Our mission statement: Mission Statement
Questions: Frequently Asked Questions - 420 Magazine
Uploading photos: Photo Gallery Guide: How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos
Grow support: How to Ask for Grow Support
How to grow: How to Grow Marijuana - 420 Magazine
MMJ lounge: Medical Marijuana Lounge - 420 Magazine
News: International Cannabis News - 420 Magazine
Medical Marijuana News - 420 Magazine
Hemp News - 420 Magazine
Medical Marijuana Scientific Data - 420 Magazine
Help support the cause: Please Help Support 420 Magazine

Also, please check out the monthly contests linked below in my signature, and feel free to participate by voting and/or entering!

I hope you have a Merry Christmas, :xmas: and a Happy New Year my friend!

I agree seti after stumbling upon this site I was instantly impressed and had to register, it feels good to know that there is a lot of us weed folk all over the world and when times get hard and no one around me will understand I know I can come on here and have support if needs be but most of all get some super tips to get my buds pukka haha. P.s welcome :passitleft:
Welcome to 420Mag! So, you were hanging around my Cardboard Flower Box, did you have any questions?
Not about the box - the descriptions and pics are very clear. I look forward to watching the Test 2 and would ask, can you recommend some specific good threads/members to read? Some great communicators are obviously on this board, your self included, but I am probably still missing out on some. "If you were going to spend a year off the internet, which ten 420Mag threads would you save on your hard drive to have with you?" kind of thing.
I can drop some names, yes. Most of these get pretty deep, though.

There is lots of debate, sharing of ideas, most of them good, some conflicting.

Glean from these what you will:
OldMedMan has a very nice journal, lots of discussion and debate. It's a VERY long thread, but read through to find your nuggets

Xlr8 just finished a spectacular grow, a very interesting read, indeed. Lots of debate as well, but a HUGE sharing of knowledge.

Twelve12 has his breeding program. And this is his hempie journal.

BigIrishdoode has a nice little grow starting, much loved by me for his purples.

I assume that those that have already posted here QueenTokeLove, Wingman420, Fratdogg223, BCBud, Icemud, (sorry if I forgot anyone), you have at least glanced over their journals.

Myself, I have quite a few running simultaneously. I have my Maternity Ward, which has three threads, and the Cardboard Box which has 3. Not something everyone here does, nor agrees with, but hey. I'm the renegade of the bunch. I did it so I would have separate archives to easily go back into depending on the plant itself.

Hope this helps!
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