Does it smell when you cook in the microwave?

Get some lemon juice, either fresh or bottled and boil a little in some water in the microwave after you've cooked your weed in there. Baking soda might work, too.

Obviously, this only works if you cook while parents aren't home.
FYI if you roll a joint and lick it and put it in the microwave to make it harder (if not rolled tightly) the smell sticks with your microwave and the room it is in for a few hours. I would assume if you cooked weed in the microwave straight it would last longer.

CubsRule420 :peace:
yes it would stink like hell. ive microwaved allot of wet weed and it stinks and ruins the flavor of the bud but you still get high as hell rather then waiting for it to dry naturally and savoring the flavor.
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