DWC Feed pump on with lights off?


Well-Known Member
personally, i dont use a feed pump. just air stones.

typically, when the bubbles pop, they provide enough moisture for the roots. everyone has different opinions on it. but, IMO, you're fine to shut it off forever... so at night shouldnt be a problem :p
I've actually got bubblers in both reservoirs... the guy at the hydro shop said I only need it in the big res (not where the plants sit), but I liked the idea of the bubbles close to the plants too, so I have 4 in the big and 2 in the plant res.

I guess I could disconnect it from 1/2 of each strain to see what happens...
as long as you have a good amount of bubbles being produced in the res your plant sits in, you dont need the top drip. but, if you have the aeration of the water taking place in a different res, then yes, you need top drip.
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