DWC instead of Soil - where's the point?


New Member
So my first grow was soil,so I decided to do dwc,ofc first crop failed,on second on half have problems but im learning,anyway,so I do 10 buckets.So yeah dwc yields and grows faster,but you need like 200w air pump running 24/7,which in flowering 12/12 will give you extra free 400wats/day,that means you can run extra 400watt lamp instead of air pump going 24/7,so if dwc yields 20% from lets say,1kw soil grow,add 400 wats,and it will yield MINIMALY 20% more? The only thing I realise you loose 2 weeks from veg loL! Not to mention dwc is pain in the ass to master + extra costs for hydroguards buckets preparaing hoses and all bunch of other crap it needs if you dont buy already prepared dwc system which cost alot.I was eager to do dwc,but now when I see I will need one more pump which wil average my usage by 200-300w on air pump now I had to just go soil and extra lamp,so its kind a killing me,thoughts?
Re: DWC instead of SOIL,wheres the point?

If DWC is a little challenging, you might want to consider a soilless medium, or a variation of hydro.

You can grow in coco coir, peat (like pro mix), hempy (growing in perlite) and probably a few others I'm forgetting.

I've been growing in coco for the first time this grow, and so far it's been pretty cool. The PH has to be pretty accurate still, and you'll need to water daily (1-3x a day), but overall, it's not too bad so far, and the root growth has been explosive for me.
Re: DWC instead of SOIL,wheres the point?

Coco drain to waste is much more forgiving than DWC, does not require any air stones or chillers even if you are using a res (drip to waste), grows almost as fast as DWC with similar yields.
I grew in soil for years and wished I has changed to coco sooner. I love the stuff.
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