Eagle Rock Community Leaders Ask U.S. Attorney General To Crack Down On Dispensaries

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
Long fed up with pot shops in the area that are alleged to be operating outside the law, the Eagle Rock Neighborhood Council voted this week to ask federal law enforcement officials for help, according to Eagle Rock Patch.

Because, apparently, the LAPD, the local city councilman (Jose Huizar) and the City Attorney's office aren't doing enough to crack down, at least according to these folks.

Last summer we reported that five Eagle Rock pot shops that the city ordered to shut down stayed open or closed their doors only to reopen, infuriating some residents.

The council wants none other than U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to help out with the situation and will soon draft a letter asking him to do so, according to Patch. The move was approved in an 8-2 vote of the council.

"We've been trying to get enforcement for two-and-a half-years to no effect," council President Michael Larsen told the news organization.

Said Eagle Rock Chamber of Commerce President Michael Nogueria of one dispensary:

"If you want to see a circus, go to this place. The type of people who come there--they're hardcore, and the only thing that the [facility's] security guards are there for is to stop the fights."

Another neighborhood leader says he's seen customers coming from another dispensary light up in their cars.

NewsHawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE
Source: laweekly.com
Author: Dennis Romero
Copyright: 2010 LA Weekly, LP
Contact: LA Weekly
Website: Pot Shops Gone Wild: Eagle Rock Community Leaders Ask U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder To Crack Down On Dispensaries In The Community
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