Early ageing


New Member
Hey I planted 5 big bud plants im a new grower but I maneged to get 3 fem.
I had one plant that I thought was going to be my champ It was taller in the begging fatter stalk the whole deal. Im about a mounth in to flower on 12 hour cycles feed 12-50-12 every 7 days. Two of the plant's seem to be doing fine they were not as fast to come up as my problem plant. But in the last two days my champ's topper has started turring brown like it's done but the bud is supper small im afraid I did somthing wrong but im not sure. I started 12 hour light when the plants were at a foot tall my champ did't grow a lot taller but the other two passed her up I had to her on a stand to get some light. I ANYONE HAS SOME HELP FOR ME PLEASE HELP
It Sounds To Me Like You Cut The Light Cycle Down Too Soon....your Supposed To Cut The Light Cycle Down When Youre Ready For Budding And After A Month You Shouldnt Be Ready To Bud...maybe 2
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