Enough light?


New Member
I have 4 plant and aquarium 40w wide spectrum 48in lights with the hoods.Will this be enough to grow 3 or 4 plants through their full cycle,and if not how many do I need.These are all I really have access to and I am planning to build a small room but want to make sure that I am not going through a bunch of trouble for nothing.
Thank you for reading.
It can grow them with the right bulbs for flowering and vegging. You won't get a lot out of them because its not much light. But depending on the strain you should be able to come up with a few ounces.
i agree Weed420.... its not much light... but if you'd like only start two plants.... then grow them to their full potential harvest then start the other two.... that way you can maximize what you have to work with and get more out of it
i have one plant with 3 100 watt lights 1 on either side and 1 above....straight water and dirt grow....im in the 3rd week of flowering and suprised how big and how many buds are growing ...how much do u think ill harvest from it???
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