

New Member
I currently have a bunch of white widow clones and i am wanting to experiment with a few of them changing either there colour or taste. ive tried making my own fruit waters with mango and raspberries with no luck so far im just curious if anyone else has tried this

I have not had the pleasure of trying but i have read about people using molasses and pineapple juices, naturally sweet juice with simple sugars, are said to be the best. This will supposedly sweeten up the smokes taste and aroma. colors can vary with temperatures and teh theory of diying the water like kids do in school to flowers. Dont know if it works so well here though.

Hope this helps bro
like mcbuds mentioned for a true mind blowing result you need to cross breed, where i live we get alot of mango mixes, the smell and taste if done correctly blows any other type of dope iv smelt/smoked out of the water.
agree^ i would love to try the mango mix though i bet its real tasty

bloody oath it tastes nice, smells nice and gets you high as a kite whilst also being smooth :) i get it quiet often however like all smoke (im guessing???) i get immune to it after a few weeks... other then that the only other down fall is it doesn't get all of the sunlight it needs (just a guess here aswell) but yeah the buds could be classed as pop corn buds, still however are some what compact, solid and potent so im never dissapointed :grinjoint:
oh man that sounds like a smoke i would enjoy.
I love lil buds, just pick one and PUT THAT IN YOU PIPE AND SMOKE IT
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