Favourite Pot Music/Bands/Songs

OAR, Sublime, Jimmy Buffet, Rich Hardesty
Pink Floyd is awesome to chill to...
Sublime, Cypress, Hendrix, Floyd, Zepplin are the main ones I listen to. I also throw in some Lynard AC/DC Sabbath from time to time, and I have some tupac and biggie I like to listen to. Tool is also amazing when im high.
Jack johnson,Pink Floyd,Sublime,The Coral,The Doors,Oasis,Frank Zappa,God Speed You Black Emporer, :peace: :bong: :joint:
great, man you all have good taste in tunes, I noticed a lot of Sublime fans,they are also one of my favourites. So for any Sublime fan, check out the Long Beach Dub Allstars, its the drummer and bass player from Sublime, they kick ass!!!!!!
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