Feminized Auto Berry


New Member
Hey guys, I'm on my first grow with feminzed auto berry seeds. I'm on day 15 right now and I noticed my plant is starting to fade to yellow already. I'm growing in miracle grow soil (which I later realized is not a good idea) and I'm pretty sure its turning yellow because of nitrogen deficiency but I'm not positive. I will post a picture soon so you guys can possibly help me with my problem.
Thanks everyone!
Re: Feminzed Auto Berry

Okay I was going to upload a picture but its telling me that my picture exceeds the file size limit and I don't understand how one picture exceeds the file size. Is there any other way I can put a picture up?
well that was two months ago and i just gave the auto berry to my brother. i started on a pure afghan thats in her 6th week. im positive its female but i haven't seen any trichomes yet. im using organic soil this time and i haven't had any problems.
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