Fight Back for San Diego!


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Tuesday, July 25th, San Diego: Patient Community to Demand the City Council End the Raids!

Earlier today, DEA agents visited all of the remaining dispensaries in San Diego, demanding they shut down immediately. All access has been cut off for San Diego patients, and it's time to take action to protect safe access!

On Tuesday, San Diego ASA and the patient community will be gathering to demand the City Council pass a resolution to end DEA and local law enforcement raids of dispensaries. Please join us to call on the city to take action!

Gather @ 9:30 a.m. in front of City Hall, 220 C Street, San Diego Speak to the council @ 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers.

Please look for San Diego ASA members who will be in front of City Hall distributing talking points & copies of the proposed resolution.

EDIT: Additional info:

Shelter From The Storm would like to invite all ASA patients, caregivers and supporters to join Lynnette Shaw, the Marijuana Peace Candidate for Lt.Governor, on. Tuesday July 26. The press conference starts at 9:00 AM on the San Diego City Hall Concourse. We intend to address the need for mediation and emergency regulations for the current acute medical cannabis health crisis. We need a crowd for the cameras and a few critically ill patients to speak. Once again thanks.

Newshawk: Happykid - 420 Magazine
Source: Americans for Safe Access
Author: Caren Woodson
Copyright: 2006 The Tribune
Website: ASA : Index
Safe access will not happen, One should hope it does.
What was done is done.
The overall goal from the DEA is to shut them down. And they did so in a respective approach. They are being directed from their Superiors, to Infiltrate at all LEVELS, at all costs, and find out any and everything about this HUGE WORLDWIDE MOVEMENT,Operations, Logistics, Financials.
It is something that they do not understand fully and actually want to do something about it by Truely making it Legal and have a Windfall for Our Government in Tax Dollars, and also free up some prison space, and those costs associated with that.
Yes they (DEA) have SA's working as Individuals,or Groups and are actively working heavy UC to Grow it, Distribute it, mix in with the Players and provide Intel, back to the Home Offices.YOU WILL NOT KNOW WHO THEY ARE.
Remember that these Guys and Gals are just doing their job,and they are pretty cool & having fun doing it. When it gets down to it, most of them actually would like to see it Legalized in a Taxable fashion and State run.
The difficulty is "WHO WILL MANUFACTURE IT" that is They are facing and getting pressure from the TOP. what it comes down to, is the Value & Control one does have when you Manufacture a Consumer Based Commodity that is VERY MARKETABALE and Profitable.
Yes they were informative and cooperative, in saying, :"This is a warning to cease all operations" We will arrest you if you re open. Hey Guys and Gals, That is because you are being and have been fully infiltrated by these people for a long time, and they know that you do not and would not pose a violent threat when they came to shut you down. If they even thought for one instance that they were to be met with violence from you they would have acted in that manner. It is a begininng in Opening up communications from them to you. They are showing a "Good Guy" Routine to you, while they are working their way into everyones business..
It is getting better than Kickin Ass & Doors in With Blazin Guns Drawn using a Massive Offensive of a SCARE & Intimidate Routines.
Sometimes that is Necessary though.
What ultimately we should be talking about here is the TAXATION, without "True" representation" It is one aspect that could never be controlled since 1937...Thanks Henry J. Alcohol has been regulated and Taxed accordingly. Tobacco is the same. Alcohol for all Military Installations that is manufactured by any Distillery is "NON FEDERALLY TAXED" WHY are they exempt?
Trying to hide around a few simple laws is one thing and by the inception of Medical Marijuana dispensaries, actually the DEA was quite glad you guys did so, it even gave them a better opportunity to get inside and try and figure out ways to either combat it or as it will come down to, is "True legalization" Medical or not.
It will also come down to what the Real Tax Value will be for marijuana and what the Feds and State can make from this and support other programs, that are so terribly underfunded. Who will be able to Sell it or Have the Liscences to do so such as Tobacco & Liquor Liscences that are required.
The advertising & Marketing money that is to be made from True Legalization of Marijuana is phenominal.Both Catagories like "HEMP for its value in Clothing, Oils, Bio Fuels etc.. and The Other Strains that one uses for Medicinal or Recreational values, it is a great business in itself today from just the Marketable Items available,T Shirts Hats, Glass Units,Hemp Seed & Oils, Clothes, etc.. This is taxable Income all ready.
And yet there are still people being prosecuted for Marijuana, while being allowed to Grow & Posess it in Accordance with their State Laws. What should be followed though is the Guidelines set out for you as a Medical Marijuana Patient. It appears that California is the most Liberal State in terms of how much a person can Grow and have on hand. Varying from County to County. It is amazing the Quantities that is allowed from each County.
One would imagine that 1.25 Kilos a year is Adequate for a single persons usage, or 3.5 Grams per Day.
The Topics like this will keep going on for a while, but eventually there will be Total Legalization around the board and it will be run from a State / Fed / County Level.
What Big Companies will be able to be the "Distillaries" (Grow Farms)of the future. I. e.. Annehauser Busch Buds, Miller Light Haze, Heinken Hash,Absolute Ganj. You get the Picture, The Companies that will Financially gain Hundreds of Millions of Dollars in Taxable profitable income, are the ones just waiting in the wings to do so and be on the Frontier. This will also keep that $2Billion a Year here in the US, In this Economy, and it will not be outsourced, and fall victim to our Money going out of our Country.
Did anyone go to this, I'm a San Diegan stuck on the wrong coast. I'm hoping there was a great turnout. I'd love to hear any details

Thanks in advance

HappyKid said:
I guess only 40 people showed up.

Damn that's shameful. San Diego's 420 community is extensive, I'd bet to the tune of 400 joints/hour city-wide. This has to be fear of the current regressive council policies - I'd hate to think it was apathy.

I'd have gone with my buds (double entrendre there = rimshot), if I could have

I hope this doesn't encourage the legislature to push back even harder. If so it might have been better not to have organized anything at all.

Thanks for the update anyway


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