Fire Cracker Detailed


New Member
I am looking to make Fire Crackers with a conventional oven. Does it smell?
How many crackers should I make for two people, and how much weed all together. How long does the high last? and how long should I cook them for. As I understand, I use organic peanut butter (the one with the oil on top) put the PB on the crackers to make a sandwich. Should the weed be broken up as tiny as it can get? The weed I will be using is middies (very mediocre) :smokin3: :cheesygrinsmiley: :hmmmm:
This thread will tell you in detail the process for making a firecracker.

One thing it doesn't mention that I would recommend is that you should grind up the weed with a coffee grinder if you can, or at least a hand grander. If you don't have access to either of those then just break it up as much as possible.

Also, since you're using mids, I would probably use 2x to 3x the bud that is shown in the pictures.

Other than that, just follow the instructions and good luck.
come back at tell us how they worked out!
glitch said:
This thread will tell you in detail the process for making a firecracker.

One thing it doesn't mention that I would recommend is that you should grind up the weed with a coffee grinder if you can, or at least a hand grander. If you don't have access to either of those then just break it up as much as possible.

Also, since you're using mids, I would probably use 2x to 3x the bud that is shown in the pictures.

Other than that, just follow the instructions and good luck.
I'm knew to this site so I don't really know what picture you're talking about. Also, people seem to disagree on how much weed to use..and I need an answer so I don't waste weed and screw it up..or that I don't get TOO high (I know..theres no such thing as too high) but I haven't smoked in like weeks. There also seems to be disagreement between the temperature and time...some people say 375 for 20 min. others say it should be 280 for IDK what temp it should be at for the THC to start working.
As for the amount of bud used, people disagree because of the differences in how high they want to get, how good their weed is, how high their tolerance is, how confident they are that it will even work, etc.

I find a good metric is using as many hits worth of bud as it would normally take you to get you high (from this bud specifically) and then double it. Put that amount on one firecracker. That is your dose for one person. So make one firecracker per person.

I would like to hear other people's opinions on this as well, so if you're reading this thread, and you have any thoughts, please contribute.

Other than the amount of weed used, follow the directions in the thread I linked to already. Whatever you do, make sure that the oven temp never gets near 400. If that happens not only will your THC begin to vaporize, but your cracker will probably burn.
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