First time grower preflower stage


New Member
Hey all. This is my first post. I am a first time grower doing most things ~au natural with my first plant. The plant is at its preflower/flowering stage (not sure how into the preflowering stage its in), I leave it by a southwest facing window 12 hours of the day. 12 hours in a closet. I do have a regular lamp hanging above it about a foot up. I feed it straight nyc tap water. My question is more of an ask for reassurance that if things (light, watering) are stable these next few months, my plant wi have a chance of producing at least some buds. Also I want to note I'm not aiming to yield a certain amount of crop, just a beginner trying it out. My only concern is that it's so tall a skinny and if I remember correctly it's a gorilla glue strain. Here are some photos.


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It should produce some. It's tall and skinny because it's light starved and reaching for light.

Inside you really need at least a closet and a LED grow light if good quality.
I’d recommend topping next run.
Also at about a week into the 12/12 schedule you’ll go through the “stretch”. Plants double, sometimes triple for two to three weeks.
Omg I just measured its height at 3ft. My gf is not gonna be happy lol. Is it possible to bend it at this stage so that it grows to the side?
You can try to supercrop, but I’d read about it first. There’s an art form to it. I have a good link in my signature. You can also try tying it down. (LST)
Ok I checked both out, I will experiment with supercropping because I have some experience growing little avocado plants and have bent their stalks and stuff for aesthetic, kind of what my dad does with his bonsai plants bending and twisting branches. That last photo of the plant in the super crop link is so beautiful
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