Florida Lawmakers Consider Medical Marijuana For Terminally Ill

Robert Celt

New Member
Carlos and Sharon Cano have been married for 38 years.

"We met when we were young," Sharon said.

These best friends have not left each other's side. Not when Sharon had cancer and not now that Carlos has dementia.

"It's a bad illness," she said.

He was diagnosed in 2010 and has been bed-ridden ever since.

His best days were when his son Christopher gave him an oil form of medical marijuana.

"He'll go into a coma for several days. What I've noticed is the oil has shortened that coma time to hours," Christopher said.

Battling it out in Tallahassee, state lawmakers are considering a bill to include medical marijuana in the "Right to Try Act." The law allows patients with deadly illnesses to try experimental treatments.

"Senators, we're not going to be California, we are not going to be Colorado. We're going to be Florida that does it right," said Sen. Rob Bradley, sponsor of SB 460.

"If this cannabis helps these people, why can't the government pass it? It's passed in other states what's so big about it in Florida," Sharon said.

Backers of the change also want to address problems with Charlotte's Web. The low-THC form of marijuana is legal, but has been held back because of lawsuits from potential dispensaries.

"It hurts even more when I see other people suffering because I'm like man for as bad as our situation is, I couldn't imagine watching my own child and you can't do nothing to help them," Christopher added.

The Canos are not alone. Many of you, thousands in Florida, are looking for the same solution, but that seems to be at least months away.

"I don't know how long it's going to be before it goes from an abstract idea in Tallahassee to my dad getting the medicine he needs."


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Florida Lawmakers Consider Medical Marijuana For Terminally Ill
Author: Garin Flowers
Contact: 10News
Photo Credit: Rinny Wager
Website: 10News
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