Frosurfer420's picture thread.


New Member
might as well join the fun, seeing as how i just got a new digital lets do this...



smoking a bowl in the mirror.


smoking Always 420's double bubble...that thing rips like a bong.



smoking a bowl out of Doug Flutie (the bubbler) at work.






my buddys outdoor homegrown. so bummed that im gonna miss the harvest.

and there, is my first post on my picture thread. I hope you enjoy the pics. Coming up next...some big bongloads and some Master Kush.
Re: Frosurfer420's picture thread...

kick ass pictures man
what kind of camera did you grab?
how many mega pixel?
Re: Frosurfer420's picture thread...

some master kush. This stuff is sooooo dank. The pics dont really capture it all that well...if anybody has any tips on close up bud pics let me know. My camera has a close range mode, but i cant seem to get it to focus right.






and then some big 4 1/2 footers of the kush.



i got one more good one of the 4 1/2 footer, but i wanna make sure its chill with the homies before i post it, cuase its of them not me.
Re: Frosurfer420's picture thread...

Kodak EasyShare CX6230 2.0 Mega Pixels. It was my dads for about a year, and i decided i wanted to go buy a camera, and he gave me his cause he has another one for work. I think its kick ass. Im using to take pics of all my friends smoking, and then gonna print em out so i can smoke bongloads with em everyday once i move to portland in 4 days.
Re: Frosurfer420's picture thread...

the bong in the 1st set is so nice
and then the 4 1/2 bong wow niceeeee

2megapixel is more than enuf for web
printing wont be amazing

i <3 my 5.1mpx
Re: Frosurfer420's picture thread...

im loving this picture thread idea...i've got some good ideas for some pictures....
Re: Frosurfer420's picture thread...

yo man, where in california do you live? nice pics by the way, i'm lovin that 4 1/2 footer
Re: Frosurfer420's picture thread...

live down in Vista, Ca. Movin up to Portland, Oregon in 4 days tho. Pic of the fro coming (unfortunately its not what it used to be). And how do i delete a pic i accidentally uploaded to my gallery?
Re: Frosurfer420's picture thread...


(L to R): The 4 1/2 footer (actually my friends, but it has lived at my house for almost a year now), Nala (aka the sungoddes), The Baner (belongs to me, Always 420, and another friend), and Senor Frog. I have some other pieces but these are the main ones.


the 4 1/2 fotter with smoke beams from the light.

Re: Frosurfer420's picture thread...

hell ya. Senor Frog. I have had that one for about a year now i think. I love it. Hits so nicely. I'll get some of me milking it soon.
Re: Frosurfer420's picture thread...

thats one of the nicest collection of bongs ive ever seen. the 4 1/2 is fuckin ill! :allgood: :allgood:
Re: Frosurfer420's picture thread...

thank you very much, im very proud of my collection (although a few could be cleaned in those pics) moving in with two of my buddies in a little less than a week. Then i will post a pic of the combined collection...this is nothing yet...
Re: Frosurfer420's picture thread...

frosurfer420 said:
And how do i delete a pic i accidentally uploaded to my gallery?
You can't, but I can :smokin: Just give me a link and I'll delete it.

Btw, very nice collection :Rasta:
Re: Frosurfer420's picture thread...

i went up to Long Beach yesterday to help my buddy move in to school, and i forgot my digital camera up there. Now i gotta fucking drive back up there tomorrow to get it cause im moving to Portland on tuesday. Probably breaking the computer down in the morning, so wont have any pics for a while. But, once i get settled in, i will post pics from the drive, more random pics, and pics of my new home/town.
Re: Frosurfer420's picture thread...

Good luck dude.. :cool:
Re: Frosurfer420's picture thread...

your camera is way better quality than mine tres puntos...

i'm gonna start a portland family pic thread
Re: Frosurfer420's picture thread...

awesome pics man
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