Genetic basis for cannabis use and psychiatric disorders

Mitchell Florn

Well-Known Member
There in lies the dichotomy of THC and CBD. The THC levels nowadays will potentially exacerbate the genetics of schizophrenia IF it runs in the family. I have already told my son this as his aunt has schizophrenia. He unfortunately has the potential in his genes.

The aunt who has schizophrenia was taken off of one of her antipsychotic meds and spiraled out of control. The wife made RSO from our then AC/DC plants and made some chocolate coconut balls to which she responded well to.

She was taken off due to the manufacturer not making it any more claiming it wasn't profitable enough. 🙄 Clozapine or Colonapine, clozerole...don't recall the actual name, but it can totally screw up your blood. That drug was a life saver for her.

CBD is totally what that drug was for her. Now as we perpetually selectively breed out the CBD and make stronger THC strains, the community is indeed at risk of initiating potential psychotic episodes which few may never recover from.

We as a cannabis community just need to be aware of what our ancestoral line carries, and be aware of our own genetic propensity for such psychotic episodes; if it even exists. Otherwise...TOKE UP!!!
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