Get Your Hemp Footie Bag at Google


Google is going green with its online store.

That means the company is selling organic cotton T-shirts, pencils made of recycled blue jeans, and other recycled and eco-friendly materials. And instead of plastic polybagging, it is using recycled wraps and stickers when shipping items. This is great news because plastic bags are a HUGE ecological problem. (Read about how plastic bags are killing birds and sea animals and have created a toxic floating debris island in the Pacific Ocean in the San Francisco Chronicle.)

Some of the items are kind of zany and fun.

For instance, this $39.95 zippered hoodie looks like your typical black hooded sweatshirt from the Gap. But it's not. It's made from the hemp plant. You know--that funny smelling weed. Hemp fiber is desirable for its strength, durability and absorbency.

How about this soy wax candle with a non-chlorine bleach wick made from, what else? Soybeans. Do not try to eat. Price is $7.50.

And what on earth are Sonic Rocks that sizzle, chirp and buzz? A set of two in a box sells for $7.50.

Then there's this hand-crocheted hemp footie bag filled with recycled plastic fill. In my misspent youth we called them "hacky sacks," but I just learned that is a registered trademark of Wham-O. It also costs $7.50.

And finally, taking advantage of this year being the 40th anniversary of the Summer of Love, Google is selling the "Summer of Love Translucent Wide Body Pen," which is available in five different colors and costs $6.95. Now how is that related to the Summer of Love?!

Get your hemp footie bag at Google | Tech news blog - CNET
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