HAsh tasting Seeds Question?


New Member
Good day all....

Can someone give me the strains that tase like YEs HASH when smoked???


Also are they S. or I. brands?
G13 Hash Plant or Cannabiogen's Sandstorm has a hash taste to it and are great strains to make hash out of all the best hash is made usually out of Indica dominant plants. Although I have smoked killer hash that was 100% sativa as well that was fucking fire.
Thanks for that Setting Sun....
I`m not sure but a few years back buddy turned me on to some pot and it was like toking on a good pipe of hash...Never tasted pot like that at all, but just hash.. I have been smoking Hash for too many years that I care to rememeber now... wow time flies 30 plus years anyways this pot he had was Great... Wish I could find exactly what it was....

Thanks for that info....
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