Have any of you heard of this presidential candidate?


Well-Known Member
Interesting, I just heard about him today

Drug Policy Reform
Despite our best efforts at enforcement, education and interdiction, people continue to use and abuse illegal drugs.

The parallels between drug policy today and Prohibition in the 1920’s are obvious, as are the lessons our nation learned. Prohibition was repealed because it made matters worse. Today, no one is trying to sell our kids bathtub gin in the schoolyard and micro-breweries aren’t protecting their turf with machine guns. It’s time to apply that thinking to marijuana. By making it a legal, regulated product, availability can be restricted, under-age use curtailed, enforcement/court/incarceration costs reduced, and the profit removed from a massive underground and criminal economy.

By managing marijuana like alcohol and tobacco – regulating, taxing and enforcing its lawful use – America will be better off. The billions saved on marijuana interdiction, along with the billions captured as legal revenue, can be redirected against the individuals committing real crimes against society. Harder drugs should not be legalized, but their use should be dealt with as a health issue – not a criminal justice issue.

Source: Drug Policy Reform

I'm just cutting to the chase with that link, he seems to be an interesting guy on other points as well.
After reading this, Gary sounds like the absolute man. It would be great to have a President that has scaled the highest peaks on four continents, especially if he views drug policy reform the same as me. What a guy, yet I don't think I've seen him before.
I hear ya, I liked that about him as well. My Mom would not approve of me voting Republican, however lol

I'll be keeping my eye on him. He definitely passes the sniff test on his drug policy alone.
Gary Johnson is a much better choice than any of the establishment figures. But let's not forget Ron Paul! The two are in tune philosophically on the proper role of government and they agree on most issues. So I think many will agree that either one of them will produce the same type of results that should be hoped for. (MORE FREEDOM). Johnson is being ignored by the media the same way Ron Paul was being ignored four years ago, with time more people will hear his name and hear the philosophy of Liberty that he holds and like Ron Paul the corporate media won't be able to completely blackout his campaign. But until then I hope you will all take an honest look at our best bet for an Executive that won't destroy our political and economic freedom and don't be surprised if Gary Johnson Endorses Ron Paul for President in 2012.

Gary Johnson Would Pick Ron Paul as his VP - Republican Debate (9:sleep:2011) - YouTube
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